Our programs
and services
Reaching the greater Healthcare Community Faster

Samples Plus is a unique cooperative program designed to provide samples to General Practitioners Australia-wide without the need for Sales Representatives
Samples Plus utilizes a fax solicitation program to promote your healthcare products and services, to over 22,500 General Practitioners, with all General Practitioners ordering at least once a year.
This program provides maximum access to General Practitioners across Australia, with an ever-increasing response rate currently over 30%, equating to all General Practitioners requesting samples at least

Samples Now is an online ordering platform where registered General Practitioners and eligible Speciality groups of HCPs can order samples anytime, anywhere.
A new next-day dispatch feature provides faster delivery times to enable faster patient treatment.
Samples Now is available to all General Practitioners and eligible Speciality HCPs that are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).samples at least once per year.